We are now beginning our 2015-2016 Fundraiser to help raise money for the Central Middle School Mustang Band. We are pleased to be selling World’s Finest Chocolate bars at $1.00 a bar and the chocolate covered almonds at $2.00 each. The band will be able to keep half the proceeds for each item sold. Some of the items and events we are raising money for include:
This fundraiser will benefit all the members of the band program so we are asking for full participation from everyone in order to make this a success. Each student will be required to sell at least one box of chocolate bars OR chocolate covered almonds and return the cash/checks in the envelope provided with the box (each box costs a total of $60.00). Students not wishing to sell may choose to pay an opt. out fee of $60.00. Receipts will be given out after the money is counted. If the money is short, it will be noted on the receipt and the difference will be expected to be turned in within the week. When turning in money, please exchange any loose change with bills or a check to make counting easier! Additional boxes can be issued as the money for the sold boxes are turned in. Prizes for the highest sellers:
Any student who returns payment for his first case of chocolate within the first two weeks (by November 9), will receive a free bowling and practice report pass. Any students who sells four cases of chocolate by the end of the sale will receive a pizza party at school during their lunch. The sale will end on November 20 at which point all the money and any unsold chocolate will be due. After the Thanksgiving break, if we still have chocolate to sell, we will either start another student sale or try to sell it in front of the local stores. Please join us for our Booster Club meeting on Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Band room. Let us know if you have any questions, e-mail [email protected]. We thank you so much for your support of the Central Middle School Band! Comments are closed.
December 2022
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