13 of our Mustang Band Members were recently selected to participate in the annual state-wide Louisiana Bandmasters Association's All-Star Honor Bands. In order to be selected for this prestigious group, the students have to be recognized as a top student in their school's ensemble by their band director. The students are then awarded points based on the accolades they have received during their time in band (i.e., Superior Solo and Ensemble awards or placement in District Honor Band). LBA then selects students based on this points system. This year is the most amount of students to date that have been selected from CMS! The students will be participating in two days of rehearsals and a concert on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette June 5th and 6th, 2017. Congratulations! Aliyah Champagne, 8th, flute Makayla Comeaux, 8th, flute Jennifer DeWeese, 8th, clarinet Emma Froisy, 8th, flute Aaron Guillory, 8th, bass clarinet Sydney Hebert, 7th, tenor saxophone Jordan Jones, 8th, baritone Logan Kern, 8th, trombone Claire Mohler, 8th, clarinet Nathaniel Naquin, 7th, french horn Maya Variganji, 8th, clarinet Eric Wunstel, 8th, tuba Emma Yoder, 8th, trumpet More information for the students that made the band is in following document: ![]()
Note that there will be chair placement auditions when you get there. The music for this is available at:
http://www.labandmasters.org/audition-materials.html Please let Ms. Codina or Mr. Clements know if you need any help with this music! Congratulations to the 8th Grade Band! They performed at the District IV Large Ensemble Festival Assessment on Friday, March 17th and received Sweepstakes Superior Ratings, the highest ratings, from all of the judges on stage and in sight-reading. The band has qualified to go on to State Festival Assessment! Their performance included Epic Venture by Tyler S. Grant, As Tears Fall on Dawn's New Light by Richard Saucedo, and Pevensey Castle by Robert Sheldon.
We would like to say a big "Thank You!" to all of the parents who drove out to Zachary High School to hear the band perform and to chaperone the trip. We are also very appreciative of the wonderful ice cream sundae treat we had when we got back to the band room! Congratulations to the 7th Grade Band who performed at the District IV Large Ensemble Festival Assessment on March 16th at Zachary High School. They earned Sweepstakes Superior Ratings, meaning every judge on stage and in sight-reading awarded the band the highest rating of a "Superior". The performance included Guardians of Liberty by Paul Murtha, Clouds by Anne McGinty, and Incantation and Ritual by Brian Balmages. The 7th Graders would like to extend a big THANKS to the Booster Club who provided snacks and lunch for the field trip. We had a great showing of chaperones and audience members for the performance. We appreciate it! Photo credits: Denise Holladay
Soon the 8th Graders will be scheduling for their classes for 9th Grade. We of course are so proud of our 8th graders and how much they’ve grown over the years and want to see them all continue pursuing their love of music at the high school level. This decision can be intimidating for some and we want to do what we can to help ease minds and answer any questions. Ms. Roussel, band director at EA, came to talk with the kids today and gave them the following information in a handout. Please feel free to contact me or Ms. Roussel at [email protected] if you have any questions about high school band. FAQ and Helpful Hints East Ascension High School Band Frequently Asked Questions Why should I encourage my child to participate in the E.A. Band? For several reasons, most important being that the Band at EA is a close-knit group of extremely successful and hardworking students who can help your child make a smooth transition into high school…which can be a very intimidating experience for 8th graders! We are a family here in the EA Band program! Are there academic advantages to my child being in band? YES…studies have proven that test scores rise proportionately higher with the length of time spent studying music in school, and our Band program has a history of outstanding students who place at the top of their class! I’m not sure whether I will like band or not. What should I do? All students are encourage to – at the very least – try band for the summer band practices. Most students find once they try it and get over the summer camp experience, they love it! Can my child participate in the Band and sports at E.A.? Our Band students participate in every sport at E.A., and we make it work! We will communicate with the coach and “share” the students without allowing him/her to become overwhelmed. We promise, IT WORKS!! How does marching band help students earn P.E. Credits? Students will earn all of their P.E. Credits and ARTS required for graduations by being in the band at EA for four years. Does E.A. Band take trips? Yes! Every year all the bands at EA take trips to District and State Festival! Every other year, we take bigger, out-of-state trips. We encourage everyone to go on the band trips, and we do fundraisers to help offset the costs. Important EAHS Band Information! Drumline and Colorguard Auditions
Summer Band Dates
Remind Notifications Students and Parents – sign up for text notifications for all things EA Band. We use this frequently, and it is a great way to stay in touch with what is going on!
Summer Private Lessons
EAHS Band Contact Information Director of Bands – Patti Roussel – [email protected] Assistant Band Director – Brett Storms – [email protected] Assistant Band Director – Leah Schmidt – [email protected] Band Room Phone #: 225-391-6132 Band Website: www.eahsband.com Dear Parents and Guardians, The District IV Large Ensemble Festival is at Zachary High School. The festival is an opportunity for the band to perform three prepared pieces and sight-reading in front of a panel of judges to receive assessment and feedback. The highest rating a band can receive from a judge is a “1” or “Superior”. Receiving this rating from the entire panel of judges is called a “Sweepstakes”. The students have been working extremely hard to prepare for this event so we are looking forward to a great field trip. The schedule for the day is as follows: *Wear maroon band polo, black pants with belt loops, black belt, black tall socks, all black shoes to school (no joggers, leggings, or tall boots)
There is no cost for this field trip, it has been covered by the fundraised monies from the World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser. Please indicate on the permission form if you are available to chaperone! Email me at [email protected] if you have questions! Download the permission forms below: 7th Grade ![]()
8th Grade ![]()
There are some exciting summer camp dates available for middle school students throughout the south, including our 2nd annual Mustang Band Camp! CMS Mustang Band Camp (Optional for current 6th & 7th Graders, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) June 19-23, 2017 - 8:30 am – 4:00 pm http://www.cmsmustangband.com/camp.html EAHS High School Band Camp (Mandatory for 8th Graders going into EA Band)
—-- Lafayette Music Band Camp July 22-24, 2017 (overnight camp) *recommended http://lafmusic.com/PageDisplay.asp?p1=7521 Southeastern University Middle School Band Camp June 19-23, 2017 (commuter camp) http://www.southeastern.edu/acad_research/programs/cms/smc/ms_bandcamp/ Northwestern University Middle & High School School Band Camp June 4-7, 2017 (overnight camp) https://capa.nsula.edu/blog/2016/11/02/summer-band-camp/ Middle School Percussion Camp (Summer Drummin’) @ USM Drum Set June 2-3, 2017 Steel Pan, Marimba, Vibes June 7-9, 2017 http://www.johnwooton.com/summer-drummin Loyola University Summer Jazz Camp June 12-15 http://cmfa.loyno.edu/music/summer-jazz-band-camp --- I’ll forward along any other opportunities as I get them! |
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