Keep your instruments over the summer, especially to practice! Playing an instrument is like keeping fit for a sport. If we all don’t practice until August, we will be very out of shape and may even forget important concepts! Returning a rental may also void any rent-to-own contracts – check with the store you are renting from on this. Try practicing at least an hour weekly. Students that have school owned horns may sign out their instruments over the summer. What can I practice?
Summer private lessons are very beneficial! Contact Zeagler’s or Alison’s. Lessons are also available at EAHS by contacting [email protected] or [email protected] Come to Band Camp June 13-17! Contact Ms. Codina at [email protected] or visit for information. Prep Day is Tuesday, August 2! Stop by the bandroom to:
Yes! Bring your instrument on your first day of band classes!
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The Mustang Bands performed in their last concert of the year on Wednesday, May 18th. The concert featured some of the band's award winning festival music as well as some popular movie themes. 8th Graders Emma Cockum and Amanda Hall emceed the event. Special awards were also given. Thanks to all of the parents who came out, it was a packed house!
Dear Parents,
Our last major event of the year, our Spring Concert, is this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Please share the attached JPEG with family and friends, we’d love for them to come! Here are the details: Wednesday, May 18th in the CMS Gym, 6:30 p.m. Concert Starts Students Report by 6:00 p.m. SHARP in the gym Rehearsals 6th Grade – Full band during class elective time Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 7th Grade & 8th Grade – Full band after school Monday and Tuesday until 4:00 p.m. (if all goes well on Monday, Tuesday may be cancelled), and during class elective time Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Uniform Maroon Band Polo, black pants, black belt, black TALL socks, black shoes Instrument Cases Small instrument cases should remain with parents or in the car. Only students with large instruments should enter the band room to assemble instrument before and after the concert. Grade based on:
Breakdown After Concert 6th Grade – Stack chairs 7th Grade – Bring music stands to band room and stack neatly along walls 8th Grade – Move large equipment to band room Superior Solo & Duet Medals We are hoping to have the superior solo and duet medals in by Wednesday, if so, we will hand them out at the concert! Video/Photography Media Disclaimer While we know you are all excited to share your child’s performance with family and friends, remember that copyright laws and school media release laws prohibit the sharing of any photographs, visual or audio recordings publicly on sites such a YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. After the Concert Celebration All band members are invited to the band room Thursday morning after the concert for a donut party during Advisory/breakfast time! All School-Owned instruments that students have at home should be returned this week! Band Camp Registration Deadline has been pushed back to this Friday, May 20! Hoping all of our upcoming 7th and 8th Grade students for 2016-2017 can attend! Looking forward to a fantastic movie-themed concert! Congratulations to all the performers who played today at the District IV Solo & Ensemble Festival! This festival is design for students to perform solos and/or duets for assessment. The students selected their own music and did much of the preparation on their own. We are very proud of how well prepared they all were! Everyone who performed today either received a 1 or 2 out of 5, the two highest ratings! Great job Mustang Band! ![]()
EAHS Auditions and Summer Band Camp Dates
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