Thank you for the great parent turnout for our first Band Parent Booster Club Meeting of the year! As a note, Booster Club meetings ARE our Band Parent meetings and all parents of students in the band, and students, are invited to attend!
We discussed our general expectations for our students as members of the band program including practicing on a weekly basis, abiding by our commitment of Pride-Discipline-Teamwork, and attending all performances. We also discussed some needs we are seeking to fill:
I wanted to give one more BIG THANKS to the parents that have helped recently to get many projects accomplished in the band room (building shelves, painting music stands, and so many "home" improvement projects), including: Kayla & Jimmy Lafleur, Monique & Greg Wempren, Niki Havard,and their children. Below is the agenda from the night. Please e-mail Kayla Lafleur at [email protected] to volunteer!
The 7th & 8th Grade Football Band performs at the home football games. 8th graders must attend all 4 home games. The 7th graders are only required to attend two games, but are encouraged to perform at all four. (Exception: the 7th & 8th grade drumline members attend all games) Read on for details… WHO IS INVOLVED IN FOOTBALL BAND? All 7th and 8th grade band members NOT involved in Cheer, Dance, Mascot, or Football. HOME GAME DATES Thursday, October 3 Thursday, October 10 Thursday, October 17 Thursday, October 24 (8th Grade Recognition) *All mandatory performances are for a grade. Cheer, dance, mascot, and football members are excused as long as they are reporting for their duties to those teams. BAND UNIFORM
REPORT TIME Report no later than 4:30 pm in band uniform to the CMS Bandroom PICK-UP TIME Games typically finish around 6:30 pm. We send a remind message in the last quarter to let you know when to pick-up. But…. STAY and watch the kids play! We play a lot of music and have a great time! TRANSPORTATION Students are required to go home and come back for the 4:30 pm report time. Many students will arrange to go home with a friend that has an adult available to drive them back for 4:30 pm. As always, CONTACT ME If you are having trouble getting transportation sorted out and I will help you find a solution! DONATIONS OF SNACKS & WATER We appreciate any donations of individually portioned chips, cookies, etc. to have as a snack for the students during half time. We are also in need of bottled water donations. Please contact Kayla Lafleur at [email protected] to inquire about our needs. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers to hand out water, monitor students during break, etc. are greatly appreciated. Please contact Kayla Lafleur at [email protected] to volunteer.
We will end at 4:00 pm with pick-up in the back by the band room. Please let me know if you are having trouble arranging rides and we will do our best to help you out. We don't want ride issues to be a reason for you not to participate!
We will expect you to make these rehearsals to keep your spot on the line. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please e-mail and let Ms. Codina or Ms. Wilson know ahead of time. Football Game Dates: Thursdays, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24 - Report NLT 4:30 pm to CMS Let me know if you have any questions! I am very excited to get started making music with our beginner musicians! We will begin with instruments on Monday, August 12. All students need to have their instruments and should have paid their band fees by this date in order to remain in band! Also, Students don't need to bring their instruments until Monday. Included in band fees is their beginner band book, containing all the music they will need for 6th grade. Play-along tracks are available on our website at I hope students are able to utilize these fun play-along tracks in their weekly practice. (Yes! Students should be practicing at home!)
6th Gr. After-School "Sectional" Help Sessions: We will be hosting several after-school help sessions for each instrument. These are optional, but HIGHLY recommended, and I am going to strongly encourage our 6th graders to attend as many sessions as possible for their instrument. These sessions are the reason why our beginners are so successful so quickly. Since our band classes are very large, it is our opportunity to isolate the instrument groups to help them get a solid start. We bring in 7th and 8th graders to pair up with the 6th graders and help mentor them for even more one-on-one attention. Students report to the band room when the bell rings at the end of the day. Pick-up in the back parking lot by the band room at 4:00 pm.
For many of you band is a new experience for you and your child. I invite you to attend our first Band Parent Meeting (Booster Meeting) on August 29 at 6:30 pmin the bandroom to get more information. Meanwhile, please email if you have any questions! -- Other reminders: - Pay Band Fee ASAP on our band website OR OSP - Order Band Polos (mandatory for Oct concert) on our band website - Order Sweatshirts (optional but can be worn to school) on our band website NO LATER THAN AUG 23 - Read & Sign our Band Concert online: |
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